Friday, September 30, 2016

Published 3:07:00 PM by with 1 comment

Important 14 Features of a Good ECommerce

Important 14 Features of a Good ECommerce Website

Important 14 More Features of a Good ECommerce Website and Online Business.

Ecommerce website business has many challenges when it comes to turning visitors into customers. One element that is often overlooked is the product page. These pages are what will really drive visitors to make the purchase.
Here are the most important and critical features to have on ecommerce website to improve conversions.

1. Search Box:

Having a search box positioned well to your ecommerce website, will allow your visitors to quickly search for the product that they are looking for. Most of the ecommerce website places their search box at the top of website. It may help the visitors to search anything very easily. Also small business website uses the same style on their website.

2. Ease of Navigation:

Easy and Effective navigation is important to any small business website and ecommerce website, but it’s especially critical for e-commerce sites. Lost visitors will result in lost sales, so every effort should be made to have a site with clear, logical navigation. E-commerce sites often face considerable  challenges with navigation because of the number of products that are presented on the site. Large sites, such as those of department stores, have to be especially careful with navigation, because finding what you want will usually become increasingly difficult with more options.

3. Quality of Image:

Most often customers are attracted with the quality images of a product. In the ecommerce shopping images is the initial product of a real product. Customers choose a product by seeing the image, so you must use good quality Images. Don’t use others images that is already used by other ecommerce website even for same product and same brand. You have to use your own customized images for each and every product.

4. Product Zoom:

In general every ecommerce website has own product descriptions. Having a good zoom feature for your product images, is always a plus point online, as it allows visitors to see the minute details of your products, which works well, as some times customers prefer to feel and touch, so you can easily replace this by having a good zoom feature, this feature really brings out the details and impressions in your product.

5. Featured Products:

Display featured products on your home page or on the side columns of your ecommerce websitethat will inform your visitors of top selling products. Sales offers or it can be general products that you want to push further and make sure they get noticed.

6. Related product:

Display related products to you’re the bottom of your website, when a visitor seeing details about any products. If visitor like the product that he looking, after buy the product he can see the related products and may choose from them.

7. Products Categories:

First of all in your ecommerce website must have a products category. You have lots of products and lots of types, that’s why there is need products category. Product category align your products for visible to customers easily. An ecommerce website should have a good formatted product category. Custom and Clear categories on your site to list your products into, and have your categories displayed somewhere easy to access, e.g. across the top or on the side columns.

8. Trusted Payment Gateway:

A trusted payment gateway is the very important things for an ecommerce website. Choose the perfect payment gateway solution for you site that will give assurance and peace of mind to your visitors. Also choose a merchant account that your visitors are comfortable with your payment system.

9. Good Return Policy:

A good return policy of your ecommerce site is a good appearance and fame for business. Customers always want to buy from a trusted channel, if you create an opportunity to return or refund policy according to your business policy; then customers will attract. If buyers see return policy they will have more attract and peace of mind if ever something was to go wrong they can easily return their product. A good policy generally increases sales, as customers feel safer to buy.

10. Customer login & registration:

Make the options for registration and login for your customers. In addition the customers if return to buy anything else then they will buy easily with their existing accounts. So when they do return they don’t need to enter all their billing and payment details in again, giving them the flexibility to quickly check out.

11. Delivery Information:

You should ad product delivery information’s to your product details page. Always inform to your visitor how they will get the products from your company, along with clear time scales, so that your customers know when to expect the delivery. As a result they will be clear about delivery information and start believes to buy.

12. Social Media Integration:

Social media is the most visited sites today; you must integrate your ecommerce website with top social media websites. Promote your business with social media website and reach to more potential customers. Having a good social media presence will boost your online presence and brand. Finally social media is a social awareness and it’s a big platform to boost your business and brand.

13. Live Chat:

Live chat is very important to an ecommerce site. When visitors got confused about any products or delivery system; they will ask about their confusions via live chats. It makes confidents to buy the products from you. This feature should be site wide, but especially on every product page. Live help can help close the sale. There are many live help platforms in the marketplace to choose from.

14. Easy Checkout:

Easy Checkout option is very important to an ecommerce site also. Customers always want easy system for checkout. If customer can’t pay after buying a product for complicated checkout system it’s very shame for your business. So be careful about the easy checkout system.

In conclusion a good ecommerce website can boost your business and make good online presence. So finally I want to say that; what other features do you think are a must to have on an e-commerce site please share below.
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Published 3:06:00 PM by with 0 comment

Why Should Use A Landing Page Instead Of Your Homepage

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Landing page example- webtady landing page

Why Should Use A Landing Page Instead Of Your Homepage

What is a Landing Page?

First of all in the purest sense, a landing page is any single web page that a visitor can arrive at or “land” on. It’s more common to refer to a landing page as being a standalone web page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single focused objective to promote.

This means that your landing page should have no global navigation to tie it to your primary website. The main reason for this is to limit the options available to your visitors, helping to guide them toward your aimed conversion goal.

Types of Landing Pages

There are two basic types of landing page, Click Through and Lead Generation (also referred to as Lead Gen or Lead Capture pages).

Click Through Landing Pages:
Click through landing pages have the goal of reassure the visitor to click through to another page. Typically used in ecommerce funnels, they can be used to describe a product or offer in sufficient detail so as to “warm up” a visitor to the point where they are closer to making a purchasing decision.

Lead Generation Landing Pages:
Lead generation landing pages are used to capture user data, such as a name and email address. The sole purpose of the page is to collect information that will allow you to market to and connect with the prospect at a subsequent time. As such, a lead capture page will contain a form along with a description of what you’ll get in return for submitting your personal data.

If you’re wondering why use a Landing Page instead of your website, read on. We've got the answer for you.
If you are:

  1. Running a PPC ad campaign
  2. Promoting a product, eBook, email subscription through social media and SEO
  3. Advertising on radio, television and print
  4. Writing guest posts on 3rd party blogs or magazines

You need to use a page instead of junk people to your website.
What you’ll notice about this list is that each item has a specific goal, to get people to take specific actions: to buy your product, subscribe to your in-house mailing list, download an eBook, case study or white paper, or view a video and many more.

Design a cheap landing page for your website. If you’re doing any of the above, the worst thing you can do is send people to your home page. You need a focused landing page dedicated to the particular action you want people to take. In fact, you need several.
Let me explain.

Focus on Conversion

Are you looking to turn more website visits into conversions? Why it's important to first map out each process an internet user goes through on your site, and then use analytics to find out if it's meeting its goals. You can analyze the landing page by analyzing tools to focus conversions.  So your landing page can derive visitor to your site and convert into leads.

You Can Test a Landing Page

You can test a landing page for your website instead of home page. The landing page will be safe your home page or website from junk peoples. So design a cheap landing page and promote for the purpose of  PPC campaign or SEO.

Remove scattering

Remove the scattering from your website. A fresh and cheap landing page will help you to distraction from main website and that will be safe from dumping peoples.  Over packing your schedule may make you more popular, but it will not get you to your goals every times. So be careful about this matter.

Create Different Versions for Different Ads

Sometimes you may need different types of landing pages due to operate different versions for different ads. In addition you can get more visitors to your site from different links of landing pages. Also create different sales packages for each of the landing a page it may help you to sells more.

Create Different Versions for Organic Search

Nowadays has different types of search engine and they have different types of search strategy. When you campaign your website with the different search engine you have to track those data and analysis the search result. Therefore you need landing pages for each version for organic search engines.

As a result of having a landing page will make more visitors to your website and generate sells.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Published 6:00:00 PM by with 0 comment

The 8 Elements of Modern Web Design & Web Design Trends to Watch

The 8 Elements of Modern Web Design & Web Design Trends to Watch

Every year, we see new elements and styles in website design begin to emerge.

Some elements -- when incorporated thoughtfully -- help tell stories and explain your company. Other elements work to improve how content looks on a specific device. While it's not necessary to include every trend that comes about on your website, many of them have the potential to improve your visitor's experience.

But with so many options to choose from, it can be challenging to determine which ones are really worth considering. To help you narrow your focus, we've detailed eight important elements of modern website design that you can include to improve your site's performance.

8 Modern Website Design Elements and Trends

Element #1: Unique and Large Typography

Most companies have a particular font or typography that they use to help their customers immediately identify them versus their competitors. In recent years, designers have received a larger selection of fonts to choose from, making it easier for brands to more accurately express themselves through typography.
For example, The New Yorker is recognized instantly through their use of unique font, Adobe Caslon Pro. While more unique fonts, such as Blokletters-Balpen, have begun to be used by startups and technology companies like Zero.

Why is it useful?

Typography uses one design trend across the website to lead readers to different parts of the page. For instance, The New Yorker website leads visitors from one section to another based on the typography and font sizes.

When creating your company's brand, your choice in typography can indicate subtle hints about who you are. Are you fun or serious? Functional or informational? Regardless of what font you choose, be sure that your designer considers its applicability across browsers and computers. Choosing a font that is not supported by common browsers and computers could mean that your website displays awkwardly on different devices.

Element #2: Large & Responsive Hero Images

You don't have to go far beyond the popular publishing website to see an example of a large hero image:

Large images such as this one do away with the concept of above and below the fold. By focusing on just the image with text rather than a CTA or social buttons, Medium creates a strong visual experience that encourages you to scroll down to read more.
Large hero images are also often placed in the background with text and other content overlaid on top, like on Uber's website. Regardless of the approach you utilize, large images can help visually tell your story without having to rely on just text.

Why is it useful?

Your customers are coming from all over the place and have high expectations. You may not be sure if they are finding your website from their phone, tablet, or desktop computer. The image that Medium uses above is extremely powerful, but if it was only visible from desktop computers, many people may miss it.
That said, ensuring your images are responsive makes for a good user experience. Small business website visitors can look at different images -- whether they are the background or product images -- and be able to get the same experience no matter what device they are coming from.

Element #3: Background Videos

Videos that automatically play in the background can add a lot to a page. They can be used to tell a story and significantly reduce the amount of other content that is needed to explain your business.
Let's take Wistia's website, for example. When you land on their homepage a large video automatically starts playing in the background, and by clicking on the play button, you get a deeper look at Wistia:
This background video serves as a brilliant way to get the visitor engaged to click-through to the main video.

Why is it useful?

Background videos focus on enticing the visitor from the moment they land on your page. The video allows your visitor to understand the key points about your company without ever having to read a single line of text.

In addition, video is processed 60,000 times faster by our brains compared to text. While people are often hesitant to read heavy blocks of text, videos appear effortless and can be consumed very quickly. It also helps that connection speeds are increasing and mobile device sizes are growing, making for better video experiences.

Element #4: Semi-Flat Design

In 2013 Apple fundamentally shifted to flat design. Simply put, flat design is any element that does not include or give the perception of three dimensions, such as shadows. Not only is flat design is easier for users to comprehend, but it can also load more quickly on websites without complicated or overly-technical elements.

Following in Apple's footsteps, many other organizations -- both large and small -- have shifted to flat design. However, company's like Uber have put their own spin on the style by adding subtle shadows and dimensions. As you can see in the image below, the boxes have an element of depth with shadows around them, without overdoing it:
When you scroll over any of the boxes on the Uber homepage the shadow disappears and relieves the image behind it.

Why is it useful?

Flat design helps the visitor understand your content more quickly, and adding some elements of depth can bring it to life. Regardless of whether you fully design your website using flat design or utilize shadows and other elements, it's important to be consistent throughout your website. Ensure that your homepage, product pages, and any other key sections of your website all utilize the same design cues so that visitors can instantly understand what they're viewing.

Element #5: Hamburger Menus

It's likely that most websites you come in contact with have a long menu of options to choose from. The advantage of this is that the menu can take the visitor directly to where they want to go. However, the disadvantage is that they generally take up a ton of valuable screen space.
The hidden, or hamburger, menu changes this. This menu was common in web applications before making it's way to web design -- even in Google Chrome you can find a hamburger menu on the right-hand side.
Source: UX movement
Wondering why it's called a hamburger menu?
If you use your imagination, the three lines that are stacked on top of one another look like hamburger patties. Get it?

Why is it useful?

The pages of your website should have a clear path for the user to take. Removing a busy navigation makes the experience cleaner and distraction free. This improved experiences help to improve the likelihood that the user will find the information they need to complete a desired action.

Element #6: Giant Product Images

You may have noticed that many Small business websites are starting to display large product images on their sites to highlight different features or parts of their product. This is no coincidence.
To give you a better idea of what we're talking about, let's take a look at the product page for the HubSpot Website Platform:

There is a large featured image at the top of this page, and as you scroll down the page there are additional in-depth product images. The images are also responsive which aims to ensure an optimized experience for viewers coming from different devices, as we mentioned earlier.

Why is it useful?

Larger product images help designers highlight different features of a product in a more efficient and effective way.
This approach reinforces the benefits of a feature by providing the opportunity to highlight the most valuable pieces. For instance, in the second image, you will notice that there are numbers on the image corresponding with benefits of certain features.
These large images are also scan-friendly. They help visitors generate a solid understanding of what the different product features do by convey them through images instead of words.

Element #7: Card Design

With the rise of Pinterest, designers and marketers alike have become fascinated with cards. Individual cards help distribute information in a visual way so the visitors can easily consume bite-sized pieces of content without being overwhelmed.
Brit + Co's homepage serves as a great example of card design in action:

By breaking up different pieces of content into cards, users can pick and choose which articles they want to expand. This helps to keep the homepage feeling clean and organized, without relying on a ton of text.

Why is it useful?

Card design is becoming more and more popular across B2B and B2C websites because it helps to deliver easily digestible chunks of information for users. Using this design on your site can help highlight multiple products or solutions side-by-side.
Keep in mind that your cards should be responsive. This means that as the screen size gets smaller or larger, the number and size of cards shown should adapt accordingly.

Element #8: Short Product or Feature Videos

In addition to background videos, companies are also beginning to use short product or feature videos to highlight a specific use case. These short videos are great at bringing your solution to life, while not overwhelming the visitor with a long experience that they must sit through.
A strong example of this comes from the folks at InVision. They display this short illustrator of how easy it is to use their product by dragging-and-dropping a design directly on their homepage:

Why is it useful?

According to Inc. Magazine, 92% of B2B customers watch online video, and 43% of B2B customers watch online video when researching products and services for their business. Therefore, B2B companies need to create videos that explain their products because it is influential in the buyer's decision-making process.

These short videos allow for your prospect to quickly understand value without watching a really long, in-depth experience. Sure, both have value, but the shorter videos allows for quick understanding that is best for top of the funnel.

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Published 5:59:00 PM by with 0 comment

Upcoming Technology Trends for 2017 - Web, Mobile, Cloud and IoT

Upcoming Technology Trends for 2017 - Web, Mobile, Cloud and IoT

Upcoming Technology Trends for 2017 - Web, Mobile, Cloud and IoT

Technology inside the coming days specifically emphasizes on the internet and smart gadgets speaking to every different and getting smarter and extra efficient to the intended users. Evolution of digital business becomes the heart of the speedy exchange in technological traits.

Adaptive Security Design/Architecture
Security has been a major worry to various companies in the world thus computer technology tends to be moving towards a safer and more secure environment in the coming years. Historically, many companies have been in to defend their systems but experts forecast that more techniques and tools will be available to go on the aggressive, leveraging predictive design/modeling giving examples such as allowing most applications to protective themselves. Experts further underscore that both small and large organizations and companies must build proper security into all business processes. Having it is something additional is tantamount to inviting some a number of weird problems.

Impressive website design
Having a website is the requirement for a business and organization.  A small business websitedesign raises your business value on internet world. Responsive web design is an approach to design a website to allowing desktop WebPages to be viewed in response to the size of the devices. All websites are supported with by popular browsers. Nowadays responsive websites is very essential for business or company, it’s may help your business grow.  

Cloud based services
The clouds will turbo-charge the video gaming industry. Stephen Sorell a senior personnel in Juniper Research says that future computer based games will largely rely on a combination of console and cloud based power. Most gaming organizations/industries are expecting the distribution of Nintendo’s next generation gaming system. (Referenced 'Nintendo NX')

Advanced Customer Architecture
Gartner further notes that more organizations are pushing the envelope to ensure technology copies human way of thinking (Artificial Intelligence/human brain). A major example of this as cited by Gartner is Facebook’s intense facial recognition latest technology.

Virtual Reality
This technological trend enables users to have a fake but more interesting and captivating user experience. Imagine sitting before a computer gaming that is or before a television screen watching but seemingly you are part of the game of part of the movie or program you are watching. Amazing really! Advanced virtual reality headsets are anticipated from major technological companies such as Sony, Oculus, HTC among many others. Prices of these are already falling as analysis show and are expected to even fall further while the use of these virtual reality devices is spreading beyond the gaming industry. A good example is an immersive experience for Game of Thrones created by HBO.

Robotics (The use of Robots)
Future trends in technology are focusing in creating more social robots that can completely interact with people in a more social way. Probably human want to be acknowledged on who does what, when and where. This is so interesting and evidently more work will be made easier and friendlier. Japan, for instance, releases its first generation robot (The Softbank Japanese Robot Company) of social robots in 2015 and they sold out very well into the market. More companies are expected to produce more and more social robots and release them into the market soon. For instance, Blue Frog Robotics (A French Robotics Company) is developing a new robot-Buddy that will be able to recognize most of the human facial expressions. Inclusive is an expected model of self-driving vehicles yet to be manufactured by 2025.

Wearable Technology
This technology trend is expected to make a bigger impact in the workforce. Although it has not been embraced and loved by many, it is expected to be more common in many workplaces and organizations. Wearing technology would be part of what many bosses will offer to employees when they first report to work. Paramedics, surgeons and many other medics who work on barren/sterile environments are bound to benefit from these devices, for example, the additional arms device that allows hands-free communication.

Speedy/Fast Cell Phone Technology
Most phones smartphones inclusive currently operate on 3G (Third Generation) and 4G (Forth Generation) networks. However, many companies and manufacturers are focusing on developing more advanced and standard networks-5G. The 5G network is believed to be 100 times faster and efficient compared to the current 4G network according to the Head Research at Jupiter. Various communication networks are already in the process of testing the new 5G network. Softbank and Ericsson are a good example of companies who have begun field trials of the 5G network technologies as from July 2015 in Tokyo.

Communicating screens
Companies are looking for ways of making devices communicate to each other (technology speaks). This feature is in other terms referred to as Technology Speak. Microsoft Windows 10 (the latest released version of windows) allows multiple compatible devices such as the Microsoft phone models in the same network to stream similar games across multiple devices. Compatibility issues might be a key drawback for the Microsoft case above.

A more demand of Bitcoin Technology for financial institutions
This technology has been largely integrated by financial institutions despite its number of experienced disadvantages. The innovation-Bitcoin is a digital record of events. It has an instant and transparent nature which allows instant transfer of money across international borders. It is more secure and much cheaper giving customers a wide range of banks to think of.
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Monday, September 26, 2016

Published 5:54:00 PM by with 0 comment

Important 10 Features of a Good Business Website

Essential Features Every Small Business Website Must Have - webtady
We know everybody it’s crucial to have a small business website and it’s an important asset for your company to compete with your competitor in marketplace. Your website represents your business strength and popularity in market. The success of your small business depends on your good website today.
Here are 10 Features that optimize your site to gather traffic to your site:
1. Clearly Visible Contact Information
Make sure your targeted visitor easily get your contact information and business location. Also build a page for all contact information and location that provides all of your important contact information, including phone number, email address, location with a map, and hours of operation. Then add a contact us button at the top to your small business website and add to footer also, and this contact us button will remain with all pages to your website.

At the end all of your contents add a link to Call today to set up your free consultation (for example), directing them to a contact form or directly to your email or phone.

2. Balanced and Accurate Content
Without good and unique content, your website is nothing. Always write the unique and accurate contents for your website. Many business owner people think that more content will do as long as it fills up their WebPages and its looks nice. The fact is nothing could be further from the truth. Your website should needs to be filled with actual information that people will find helpful so that they will convert into your business customers. Also, make sure that your consumers don’t collect wrong information about your business. Don’t copy and post others content to your website, use a program like Copyscape to check all of your content to make sure there is nothing copied.

Important one thing Your WebPages information’s should be easy to read and understand.

3. Calls to Action
Always make sure about add Call to Action for easy communication with your website visitor. A Call to Action should have in several pages and places in your website, both before the bottom and fold of homepage. It’s important to add your phone number and a hyperlink to your contact us page as a highlighted box. Make a website with attractive Call to Action.
When you put an email address or a phone number on the site, don’t upload this information as an image — the number or address should be able to be clicked on or copied right from the site in order to place the call or send an email conveniently and quickly. Nowadays most smart phones these days have the ability to do "Click to Call" options on the web, so make the process as easy as possible for users.

4. Mobile-Friendly Experience
At the end of 2012, nearly a quarter of Web traffic was from mobile and other smart devices. People will be looking at your website on their Personal computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. In this situation you must design your website with mobile and other smart device optimized. Most of the small business company making their websites as mobile responsive. It is important that your website is mobile-friendly or device responsive. There are two ways to do this. One is to create another website that would have a URL same to your website such as These sites are created just for mobile devices and require a separate website, URL, host, domain, etc.

The most important thing, that is to make sure that your site is mobile friendly or device responsive because Google is now giving preference in ranking to sites that are device responsive.

5. Search Engine Optimization
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most important thing for your website; SEO will help you to appear your website on top position search engine tools like,, Search engines have two main functions: crawling and indexing sites, and search engine providing a ranked list of websites based on their relevance to the search term and keywords. You can use Google webmaster tools to manage your SEO tools and research on your website visitors.

Note: Google is the most uses search engine tool, Support for International search engines including market leaders such as Baidu, Rambler, Yandex, AUM and Naver are critical path for a successful SEO program at an enterprise level.

6. User-Friendly Functionality
You have to know that, most of the users are not familiar with website and its functionality they don’t know too much. You have to make your website very easy and user friendly functionality. How long does it take for your page to load? It’s also an important thing to consider, people never wait for a long time if your takes long during loading time. Are all the links working and not broken? Is the formatting of your site up to date? Make sure that your all links is properly working or not, always up to date your site.

Using flash is may detract from your site’s effectiveness. Flash is not SEO friendly and takes long time to load it makes slow your website. Most of the smartphones does not support flash display, so by using it, you may be alienating some of your mobile visitors.

7. Social Media Integration

Social media is the most visited sites today; your business must have social media awareness. Social media is massive in today’s connected business environment. Consumers expect to be able to communicate with businesses through social like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and more. Social media is an excellent way to reach your customers to learn more about you, connect with other fans, and get the information they need in order to decide to do business with you. If you observe social media as a serious and productive marketing tool for your business and you factor in time in your work week to connect with people through social media channels, the presence of social media buttons on your site is an absolute must have.

You’ll want to make sure your social media buttons are visible on every page of your website, so factor in how big or small the icons should be and their location.

8. Blog
Blog is the most strategic business communication tool for small business website that can help you to reach your potential clients and consumers. It establishes you as a subject-matter expert that can provide free valuable content to your customers, building your fan base of followers/readers. It will help you bring more traffic to your small business website and possibly convert those visitors into buyers.

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Your visitors have lots of questions. They will contact with you via email or phone to know about their questions, if you answer all potential question on FAQ page then they will understand clearly. Questions often revolve around materials and ingredients used, shipping information, company history, sizing (for apparel brands) and cancellation or return policies etc. FAQ sections serve multiple purposes. First, it’s a demonstration that people are using your site regularly, which increases your visible authority. Second, if your users are even slightly interested in your business, they have an easy place to find volumes of common information.

10. Subscription Invitations
Something to hold in thoughts while you build a small business commercial enterprise website is that a newsletter is a fantastic way of producing repeat enterprise for a small enterprise, tell your clients about upcoming promotions, gives and new services. Sending out a newsletter allows you to present yourself as a professional in your industry whilst offering your customers with precious information. The frequency of your publication will depend of the amount of content you may create. News letters may be sent out daily, weekly, bi-weekly or maybe monthly. Newsletters assist set up steady verbal exchange between you and your customers, additionally on-line publication signups give you the opportunity to construct an opt-in email list.

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Published 5:55:00 PM by with 0 comment

How to Get More Visitors to Your Website

Webtady- web traffic

How to Get More Visitors to Your Website

Humans surfing the web have an almost infinite deliver of websites to pick from, what’s going to cause them to forestall and take a look at out your page over your competitors? Here are a few recommendations to drive visitors in your page.

Make sure you have got nicely written content that explains your commercial enterprise and offerings. Try to answer any questions that humans might also have virtually by means of reading your homepage. Spice it up with incredible, important pictures that are visually unique. Humans experience a website that is properly designed and clean to navigate thru. Study sites that enchantment to you, ask yourself what makes them attractive? Then attempt to comprise some of those standards into your own page.

When you have a commercial enterprise, attempt incorporating blogs or nearby occasions into your website. Those procedures are established strategies of bringing repeat site visitors for your site. If human beings understand they could examine something new every month and they revel in the content material they will come lower back.

In case you are an individual who makes a specialty of self-advertising attempt interviewing someone who’s popular and exciting. This can create an audience who will return for your web page looking forward to remarkable things. Catchy headlines will appeal to interest despite the fact that humans simply stop by and test the content material. Create unique subscribe best content and ask human beings to subscribe. whilst you write an electronic mail welcoming humans, be sure to let them recognize about your social media structures and that might inspire them to visit the ones web sites as well.

Look exact inside the eyes of search engines like Google and yahoo. Optimize your headline and content material URL. Using famous keywords will assist you come back up inside the pinnacle listings while someone do a search? An endorsed device is the Google key-word tool. The use of a sitemap and a SEO optimized platform will assist make your web page Google pleasant.
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Published 5:36:00 PM by with 0 comment

Top 15 Free Website Builders

Create yours. All of those are free and easy.

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Do you want a business website for your business? I know for starting you want to try free website builder. That’s why you should use the freewebsite builders for your first try. The advantage to build a free website is you don’t need to hire a developer or don’t have any special skill to create this website. Most popular WYSIWYG web builders features drag and drop option allowing to develop a website even a small kid can do it. You don’t need any programming skill to create a website using a website builder. In this post I will let you know about all the website builders you can use for your business website. Create your own business website today.

1. Wix:
Wix become the most popular website builder because of their search engine friendly HTML5 websites. Wix themes are building for small business, restaurants, online stores and artist such as musicians and photographers. Also they are optimized for mobile devices. It is absolutely free for use. Wix is affordable web development platform for small business.
Websitebuilder also is a free website builder site. This website will allow you to create your business website absolutely for free. You can choose hundreds of great themes given to this site.
Website builder give you a free sub-domain name for your website but they will add their banner at footer as well as others.
You can create your website in second with IM Creator. They have the simplest drag & drop editor. Their fee package offers you free domain name of second level and 50MB of storage. They are regularly updating their collections of website templates. will look perfect on types of browsers and devices as well as mobile and TAB. So don’t be late, lets create a Website for business or personal use.
This is a recently launch site. can offer you a really amazing collection of free designed website themes and templates divided on many different categories. They also offer an easy drag and drop tool to build a website. Have many additional tools allow to build really amazing website and even create a blog to your website. There are many advantages for small business website.
5. Sitey:
Sitey also allow you to create a professional website for free. This website is quite new but same as other website builder. Sitey offers you 50MB storage; 5MB file upload and 1GB bandwidth in their free plan. They also give you database design and development services. You can also try it.
6. Weebly:
Weebly is for any kind of users. You don’t need any technical skills. More than 30 million website created by weebly. It is a very well-known and popular website builder all over the world. Weebly website builder and Web Design Company offer is too low. Their basic plan is Free to use.
7. Jimdo:
Jimdo’s website builder is the simplest website builder. It will remove all the hardest part and enable you to create your own professional website with their easiest features. It’s start journey in 2010 mostly for small business owners. You will get free sub-domain, 500MB of storages, Online Stores.
8. Ucraft:
Another website builder is ucraft. You can actually build a very nice looking site with ucraft. It allows you to create SEO friendly website. You can use ucarft for your personal or landing page websites.
Sites123 allows you to create amazing website for your personal use using layout. You don’t need any design or coding skills for that. You just need to create an account and follow the instruction they provide and you are ready to go.
It is another website builder that allow you to create up to 5 pages, limited web storage and bandwidth (10MB and 5GB/mo accordingly). They have offer pretty interesting collection of templates on their website from where you can actually select for you website.
Moonfruit have a bunch of creative template where you can use one for your website. It is a easy to use free website builder. It offer you 1 website with max 15 pages on a second level domain, 20MB of storage and 1GB bandwidth, no customer support.
12. Webnode:
You can also use webnode for your personal use. It offers 1 GB bandwidth, 10 MB storage space. They will also you free mobile version of your site.
13. Webs:
You can also create your free website with webs. It has a very impressive drag & drop features. They will provide you 1 website as well as mobile version, limited to 500MB bandwidth and 40MB storage space. Also web store items will be limited to 5 items for FREE plan.
14. Yola:
Yola is very interesting website builder. They Will Provide 5 Websites Instead Of Standard 1, Banner-Free Hosting, Quality Customer Support, Build-In Website Statistic And 1GB Storage Per Site.
15. Ezweb123:
Ezweb123 also provide you the FREE website you want for you business website. It will provide you 1 website with up to 15 pages on a second level domain, 20MB storage space, 1GB monthly bandwidth. You can also go with this website.
All of those website builders are really amazing for create a website very easy and fast. So guys don’t be late to build your own website. Finally I want to refer you to see our affordable website design packages and so on.
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